Sunday, March 22, 2020

Alchemy Essays (3507 words) - Paranormal, Hermeticism, Alchemy

Alchemy ALCHEMY: The science by aid of which the chemical philosophers of medieval times attempted to transmute the baser metals into gold or silver. There is considerable divergence of opinion as to the etymology of the word, but it would seem to be derived from the Arabic al=the, and kimya=chemistry, which in turn derives from the late Greek chemica=chemistry, from chumeia=a mingling, or cheein, `to pour out` or `mix', Aryan root ghu, to pour, whence the word `gush'. Mr. A. Wallis Budge in his "Egyptian Magic", however, states that it is possible that it may be derived from the Egyptian word khemeia, that is to say 'the preparation of the black ore', or `powder', which was regarded as the active principle in the transmutation of metals. To this name the Arabs affixed the article `al', thus giving al-khemeia, or alchemy. HISTORY OF ALCHEMY: From an early period the Egyptians possessed the reputation of being skillful workers in metals and, according to Greek writers, they were conversant with their transmutation, employing quicksilver in the process of separating gold and silver from the native matrix. The resulting oxide was supposed to possess marvelous powers, and it was thought that there resided within in the individualities of the various metals, that in it their various substances were incorporated. This black powder was mystically identified with the underworld form of the god Osiris, and consequently was credited with magical properties. Thus there grew up in Egypt the belief that magical powers existed in fluxes and alloys. Probably such a belief existed throughout Europe in connection with the bronze-working castes of its several races. Its was probably in the Byzantium of the fourth century, however, that alchemical science received embryonic form. There is little doubt that Egyptian tradition, filtering through Alexandrian Hellenic sources was the foundation upon which the infant science was built, and this is borne out by the circumstance that the art was attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and supposed to be contained in its entirety in his works. The Arabs, after their conquest of Egypt in the seventh century, carried on the researches of the Alexandrian school, and through their instrumentality the art was brought to Morocco and thus in the eighth century to Spain, where it flourished exceedingly. Indeed, Spain from the ninth to the eleventh century became the repository of alchemic science, and the colleges of Seville, Cordova and Granada were the centers from which this science radiated throughout Europe. The first practical alchemist may be said to have been the Arbian Geber, who flourished 720-750. From his "Summa Perfectionis", we may be justified in assuming that alchemical science was already matured in his day, and that he drew his inspirations from a still older unbroken line of adepts. He was followed by Avicenna, Mesna and Rhasis, and in France by Alain of Lisle, Arnold de Villanova and Jean de Meung the troubadour; in England by Roger Bacon and in Spain itself by Raymond Lully. Later, in French alchemy the most illustrious names are those of Flamel (b. ca. 1330), and Bernard Trevisan (b. ca. 1460) after which the center of of interest changes to Germany and in some measure to England, in which countries Paracelsus, Khunrath (ca. 1550), Maier (ca. 1568), Norton, Dalton, Charnock, and Fludd kept the alchemical flame burning brightly. It is surprising how little alteration we find throughout the period between the seventh and the seventeenth centuries, the heyday of alchemy, in the theory and practice of the art. The same sentiments and processes are found expressed in the later alchemical authorities as in the earliest, and a wonderful unanimity as regards the basic canons of the great art is evinced by the hermetic students of the time. On the introduction of chemistry as a practical art, alchemical science fell into desuetude and disrepute, owing chiefly to the number of charlatans practicing it, and by the beginning of the eighteenth century, as a school, it may be said to have become defunct. Here and there, however, a solitary student of the art lingered, and in the department of this article "Modern Alchemy" will demonstrate that the science has to a grate extent revived during modern times, although it has never been quite extinct. THE QUESTS OF ALCHEMY: The grand objects of alchemy were (1) the discovery of a process by which the baser metals might be transmuted into gold or silver; (2) the discovery of an elixir by which life might be prolonged indefinitely; and there may be added (3), the manufacture of and artificial process of human life. (for the

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Essay Example

Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Essay Example Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Paper Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Paper Whom I Admire Most Personal essay Virtually everyone has a person whom they admire. A majority of people seem to admire someone because of fame or fortune. I, on the other hand, do not place my admiration on material possessions or people who idolize them. My admiration is reserved for someone far more priceless than anything this world may offer. Therefore, my mother, is the person whom I admire most because she was supportive, she was tenacious, and she was a provider. First, I adore my mother because she was supportive. I participated in a lot of extracurricular activities as a kid, and my mother was always there to encourage me. For example, at age five I began to play soccer on Saturday mornings for an organized team and even though my mother’s only time away from work was Saturday mornings she came to every game. Also, during my high school years I wanted to go on a church trip to Mexico, however the trip was expensive and I was unable to collect enough money to go. Nevertheless, my mother paid the remaining balance by working extra shifts. Lastly, when I wanted to volunteer to join The United States Air Force three months prior to my high school graduation she drove me to the military enlistment processing station and watched proudly as I signed my contracts. In addition, my mother deserves my admiration because she was a provider. During my adolescent years, I began to understand how much she sacrificed to provide for me. I remember her having to sale items that were of significant personal value in order to pay our monthly bills. Additionally, my mother worked two jobs to ensure I had the essentials needed to enjoy my high school years. Also, my mother made whatever sacrifice was necessary to ensure our survival. For example, during the summer before my junior year of high school my mother was laid off from work and we lost our rental house; nevertheless, she sent me to live with my aunt for a year as she was more concerned with me having a stable living environment than her on personal well being. Most importantly, I cherish my mother because she was tenacious. My mother could have been misunderstood as being hardheaded; however, she stood strong for what she believed in and was unyielding to outside influences. My mother taught me to never give up on my dreams and to endure through the hard times. Consequently, I have accomplished many wonderful things, but none are more gratifying than the fact that I take care of my mother whom suffers from dementia. Her spirit has not grown weak and she continues to stand strong. For example, when I go to visit her she is constantly telling me that she will beat that dreaded disease and go home one day. However, I know the truth is that dementia will slowly take more and more of her away from me, but this will prove my mother’s tenacity once again through me. Because my mother was supportive, tenacious, and a provider she is the person whom I admire most. We may face many challenges in life, but to see how my mother stood solid and defeated most of those challenges is an inspiration. I have endured many hardships throughout life, but I my mother taught me two priceless lessons. First, nothing in life worth having will be easy. Second, no matter the circumstances never give up on your dreams.