Saturday, August 31, 2019

Rapping and Moral Values

Moral values and graciousness, in the past, were prominent in most teenagers. Majority of the youths then learnt respect, courtesy, consideration, decency, propriety, honesty and righteousness from a young age, and had enough self-discipline to hold to these values. However, these moral values and self-discipline are slowly diminishing over the years, as most of the younger generation are gradually disregarding these ethics. The listed values have slowly faded away, as they mean little to these adolescents, as moral values and self-discipline are on the verge of disappearing. This lack of self-discipline and self-control is becoming more and more apparent over time. However, this situation is not to be taken lightly as the younger generation is the future of our nation. Even the simplest of morals like, respect, care and consideration are slowly fading away over the years. A simple display of respect like offering the elderly a seat on the bus is being replaced by scenarios of students competing with them for seats. Instead of showing the principles of care and Should Moral Values Be Taught in Schools The Renaissance or rebirth of the Greco- Roman era, a period in time in which all aspects of the humanities flourished. It was also during this time period in which the majority of the humanists deemed the â€Å"greatest† were produced. From the Lorenzo de Medici to Raphael, these greats were extremely well rounded and had great moral values. As a foundation for their success and moral values, they benefited greatly from the writings and teaching of their Greek and Roman predecessors as well as the Bible. This is present in Raphael’s renaissance painting the School of Athens. He pays homage to those who came before him by incorporating Greek philosophers such as Plato, and even some of his Renaissance colleagues like Michelangelo into the painting. Now as we come back to the time in which we live, where can we say that we learned our moral values? We as Americans have lost sight of many of our moral values. A huge debate has been raised as to whether moral values should be taught in school. Most people would argue that the teaching of moral values be taught in the home by the parents and should not be the responsibility of others. I personally feel that moral values should be taught in school. By teaching moral values in school, there will be much success gained by doing so. Also, I feel that as a way to increase moral values, students should have to read the literary works of the Greek philosophers and Renaissance artists as well. Reading which is very important will definitely help us become better persons because it will open our minds to more than just what we have in front of us. Many of the humanists during the renaissance benefited from reading ancient roman literature and I feel that we can do the same. First of all, I feel that moral values should be taught in schools because we as Americans have lost sight of many of our moral values. For example, we have lost the family structure. We no longer gather at the.. The Effects of hip hop/rap Music on The Younger Generation Today The dynamic era of hip hop emerged in the 1970s through the streets of Bronx, New York City. Now twenty five years old and still counting, the world of hip hop is at a new level. Lil’ Wayne, Kanye West, Rick Ross, 2 Chainz, and Plies are just some of today’s biggest icons in the world of hip hop. Having record hitting tracks that jump off the charts, these rappers are definitely the image the younger generation looks up to. Though, having these amazing tracks, these same iconic figures are said to be the cause of our teenagers heading down the road of destruction. The effects of these lyrics on the teenage society are said to provoke violence, foul language, and enhanced sexual behavior. To begin, the effect of hip hop or rap music on the younger generation today has encouraged youth to become more violent and aggressive. Ever since the rise of rap music, teens have been turning to music to help solve their problems. However, this music cannot be helpful but very destructive. Encouraging raging acts of violence, these lyrics influence and damage the minds of children, teens and young adults. For instance, rapper Plies states, â€Å"Don't tell me shit about what them niggas said, Them niggas just raping, Fuck niggas be bluffing, Killers make shit happen,† in his track called Naan Nigga. The breakdown of these lyrics: It does not matter what another individual states about one, if a person is â€Å"real† one must ake violent actions to prove your point in life. The effect of teens listening to music like this is shown in and out of school. More and more students are being arrested and taken to juvenile detention centers due to fighting or bringing weapons to school. For example, my junior year, a student brought a knife to school to threaten another student. During their verbal altercation in the courtyard, the student carrying the knife kept repeating, â€Å"Nigga I’m real, I’ll slit yo throat from ear to ear.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Authoritarian Parents

Authoritarian Parenting: The Impact on Children. By Matthew J. Miller, Psy. D. Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Parenting Types: 1. Authoritarian 2. Authoritative 3. Permissive 4. Neglectful In the early 1960’s, psychologist Diana Baumrind conducted experiments with parents. These experiments were designed to identify and understand how parents differ in their responses to their children. As a result of the Baumrind study as well as further research, four main styles of parenting were delineated. They are Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Neglectful.Each style has its own characteristics as well as effects on children’s development. This article will discuss the impact on children of authoritarian parenting. Authoritarian Parenting For Authoritarian parents, rules are often more important than relationship. Authoritarian parents have many rules and they enforce them. They expect and demand adherence to high standards. Having high standards for the behavior of children is not necessarily a bad thing. However, the way they go about achieving these high standards hurts the relationship between the parent and child.The authoritarian parent often fails to explain the reasoning for the rules. In fact, they do not engage in much conversation with their children regarding the rules. When children ask, â€Å"why? † the response is, â€Å"Because I said so. † Not only does authoritarian parenting impact the current relationship between parent and child, but this type of parenting can have long-term effects on the emotional development of the child even into adulthood. In addition, the impact of this style of parenting can also be felt in the child’s relationship with God.The Current Relationship There is a strong element of fear that pervades an authoritarian household. Much like an authoritarian government, there is compliance with rules, but the compliance is typically not out of love. Children in an authoritarian home c omply out of fear. Fear of punishment and fear of the withholding of affection drives these children to comply. In addition to fear, the child does not feel loved and accepted by their parents. Children are punished for even minor infractions. Often, these punishments do not fit the crime and are overly punitive.Even worse, the punishments often result in relationship consequences which include a withholding of love and affection from the parents to the child. As a result, the child begins to learn that they are loved and accepted for what they do, rather than for who they are. John, a high-school basketball player I met, had this type of relationship with his father. His father would come to all of his games to see him play. While a parent’s presence at a child’s games should be a source of encouragement, for John it was not. If John had a good 2Current Relationship Consequences: 1. Fear 2. Lack of love and acceptance 3. Lost opportunities for guidance game, his fathe r was like a â€Å"Chatty Kathy† doll on the way home. You could not shut him up. On the other hand, if John’s game did not go as well, there was absolute silence. His father would not speak to him. John learned quickly that there were conditions placed on him to received love. He was loved if he performed. He was not love if he did not perform. Children raised by authoritarian parents often are compliant with parental rules.Authoritarian parents point to this compliance as evidence that their style of parenting is working. However, as with many things in life, there is an opportunity cost to decisions we make. Growing up is difficult, especially in this day and age. There are many times that a child will need help and guidance as they grow. When we seek guidance, we tend to seek it from relationships where we feel loved and accepted. Since children of authoritarian homes do not experience love and acceptance from their parents, they will seek counsel from someone outs ide the home, or they may seek no counsel at all.While the authoritarian parent may be a good person who has much wisdom to offer, when it comes to the major issues of life, the children do not seek their counsel. Relationship with God Often our view of God, who Jesus taught us to call Father, is similar to our view of our earthly father. Since our earthly father is visible to us â€Å"†¦We project our and God is not, we project our image of our earthly father onto our image of our earthly heavenly Father. When children grow up with demanding authoritarian parents, they often begin to see God the same way.While father onto our they may be obedient to God, this obedience is out of fear of heavenly Father. † punishment rather than a response to acceptance. Real change in our lives comes when we feel accepted, not when we fear punishment. As a result, children who grow up with authoritarian parents often have a negative view of God. As was stated above regarding their earth ly parents, children who hold an authoritarian view of God will likely not seek to build a deep relationship with Him. We do not seek relationship with those whom we fear. Instead, like Adam and Eve, they will seek to hide from God. Future DevelopmentIn addition to the impact authoritarian parenting has on the current relationship with their parents and their relationship with God, children who grow up in this type of home often experience long-term emotional consequences. These children often have poor social skills, low self-esteem, anger and higher rates of depression and anxiety. In addition, although they may remain compliant, they can develop an overall mistrust of authority. There are many reasons why these issues may develop in children with authoritarian parents. In an authoritarian home, compliance is expected, while independence is discouraged.Because they are taught to follow rules rather than take initiative, they are more capable of following instructions than becoming leaders. They are taught what to think rather than how to think. As a result, these children remain dependent emotionally into adulthood, sometimes even living in the parental home long after what would be considered emotionally healthy. This lack of independence, both emotional and physical, can result in low self-esteem. 3 Children growing up in an authoritarian home, like growing up under an authoritarian regime, experience a loss of control over their own lives.When we come to believe that no matter what we do, we cannot gain actual control Future Consequences: of our own life, eventually a sense of helplessness ensues. This â€Å"learned helplessness† is a major component in the development of 1. Poor social skills depression. This sense of powerlessness does not leave us when we leave the authoritarian parent. Instead, this becomes a deeply 2. Low self-esteem entrenched view of ourselves that can take years to overcome and can impact all future relationships including marital and parenting relationships. 3.Anger Along with a loss of control, children who grow up with 4. Depression authoritarian parents often experience anger at how they are being treated. However, their anger is not typically allowed to be 5. Anxiety expressed. Often the expression of any form of anger in an authoritarian home results in punishment. Where does the anger go? There are typically two ways that anger gets expressed. The first is in either active or passive rebellion against the parent, or, in the future, toward any form of authority. The second way that anger gets expressed is that the child turns the anger inward toward themselves.This internalization of anger also leads to depression. One reason why in the United States there is less violence against the government than in other countries is that our country’s laws encourage and protect freedom of speech. When people feel that their thoughts and feelings have an outlet, they are less prone to resort to viole nce. When people are not free to express themselves, they will tend toward helplessness or rebellion. Finally, children who are raised by authoritarian parents often experience increased anxiety.Because â€Å"wrong† decisions result in harsh punishments, they develop what Freud would describe as an overactive superego. The superego, according to Freud, is the moral branch of personality. It develops to guide us to make right decisions and to avoid punishments. For Christians, the superego includes the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is not our only guide to determine the rightness or wrongness of our actions. The superego also includes the internalized values of the important people and structures (like the law) of our lives.As the number of rules increase, so does the superego. Anxiety is both an internal and external manifestation of the struggle to avoid real or perceived punishment. For those with an enlarged superego, the superego acts like the boulder chasing Indi ana Jones chasing us through our lives. In upcoming articles, the three other parenting styles will be discussed along with their impact on children.  © All Rights Reserved (2010). The Center for Christian Counseling & Relationship Development, L. L. C. Pavilions at Greentree, Ste. 303, 12000 Lincoln Dr. W. , Marlton, NJ 08053. (856) 396-0111. 4

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Marginal Benefits And Marginal Costs Essay

The first rule can be summarized with the undermentioned phrase â€Å"There’s ne'er a free lunch† every clip that you need something you have to give something in return. One illustration is an employee that needs a peculiar twenty-four hours off. He could merely lose work and non acquire paid or inquire for a alteration of agenda and non miss work. This allows flexibleness or via media between parties. Previous to doing any determinations on the trade off you should ever see the cost. At times the cost of some actions may non be evident at a glimpse. The cost of any given undertaking may reflect on the result of your determination. Never assume that everybody is rational. Rational people seldom decide in black and white but for the most portion their determinations are in the grey country. As you go deeper into economic sciences. you will meet houses that decide how many workers to engage and how much of their merchandise to fabricate and sell to maximise net incomes. Incentives. who doesn’t like a positive inducements? Keep in head that if there is positive inducement there can besides be negative 1s. Rational people will ever maintain in head the cost and benefits of a undertaking and they will react to the inducements provided for the completions of given undertaking. An illustration of fringy benefits and the fringy costs of consider an air hose make up one's minding how much to bear down riders who fly standby. Suppose that winging a 200 – rider plane across the United States costs the air hose $ 100. 000. In this instance. the mean cost of each place is $ 100. 000/200. which is $ 500. One might be tempted to reason that the air hose should ne'er sell a ticket for less than $ 500. In fact. nevertheless. the air hose can raise its net incomes by believing at the border. Imagine that a plane is about to take off with 10 empty seats. and a standby rider waiting at the gate will pay $ 300 for a place. The air hose in this illustration will inquire itself should I sell the staying seats at the cost of $ 300 per rider is cost effectual. The reply is yes it will be profitable to sell the staying place at this monetary value. While the rider pays more than the fringy cost of the place. An inducement that could take to another determination would be a rival air hose supplying the same trip for less or the same monetary value. Persons are prone to incentives if you provide them with pecuniary. intervention or any other benefits that will honor them for their attempts. The cardinal lessons about the economic system as a whole are that productiveness is the ultimate beginning of life criterions. that money growing is the ultimate beginning of rising prices. and that society faces a short-term tradeoff between rising prices and unemployment. In a market economic system. the determinations of a authorities are replaced by the determinations of companies and persons. Companies decide how many people to engage and what merchandise to fabricate. Persons decide which industries to work for and what points to purchase with their wages. A centrally planned economic system is when a authorities decides what points to bring forth and how much. Determine the allotment of scarce resources and who will bring forth and devour these goods and services. When the market economic system and the centrally planned economic system are combined and influenced by the control of the private and authorities sector. In decision economic sciences play an intrical portion of our day-to-day lives. It allows a state to turn or a company to drop. Decicion devising is an of import facet of the economic system and all decicions sing this topic has to be treated as a delicate subject. MentionsGregory. N. ( 2009 ) . Principles of Economics ( 5th ed. ) . Mason. Oh: South-Western Cengage Learning. Hubbard. R. & A ; O’Brien. A. ( 2010 ) . Economicss ( 3rd ed. ) . Boston. MA: Pearson Hall.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Auditing - Essay Example deficiencies in the system include having only one sales representative because it is quite a significant workload for an individual to manage both incoming and outgoing relations of the company. The incorporation of technology and Management Information System are a few requirements needed to be fulfilled in order to transform O’Leary into an effective organizational setup. The company is operating with a conventional approach in the era of unconventional business thinking (Hill & Swanson, 1994). The technological outlook of the company is extremely grim to say the least. The sales system must be modified in order to include e-forms which should be used for recording orders by the only sales representative of the firm. The e-forms are necessary because the company is a trading business and therefore, it is majorly concerned with enhancing customer satisfaction. The customers have the tendency to get notably satisfied when they see exceptional of organizational client processing (OFarrell & Moffat, 1995). Right now, O’Leary’s client processing speed is dull and it needs to be rejuvenated with the help of incorporating technology in the system which will allow the sales personnel to send fresh orders through handhelds while on the move and the warehouse can send the products without waiting for sales force to come back and report the new orders manually. Mr. Walsh on the other hand must shift his office to the warehouse in order to make himself capable of recording the transactions in the real time. The whole idea of the plan is to minimize the slack time between the organizational activities. The contemporary organizational philosophy is of the view that organization must keep on doing something all the time (Yan & Louis, 1999). The slack time in an organization creates a blind spot for the upper management. The creation of bl ind spot creates further difficulties for the management to evaluate and monitor the activities in the company. Mr. Walsh is also

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and their need in the community Research Proposal

AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and their need in the community - Research Proposal Example Of these, 7.6 million were due to CHD. It has been estimated that by 2015, approximately 20 million people will die from cardiovascular disease (World Health Organization). 80,700,000 Americans suffer from CVD. 73,000,000 have HBP, 16,000,000 have CHD, 5,300,000 suffer from heart failure, and 650,000-1,300,000 have congenital cardiovascular defects. In the age group 20-39 less than 20 percent of the population suffer from CVD. 39 percent of the population in the age group 40-59 suffer from some form of CVD. More than 70 percent of the population in the age group 60-79 suffer from some form of CVD. More than 80 percent of the population over 80 years suffer from some form of CVD. CVD accounted for 869,724 of all 2,397,615 deaths in 2004. Approximately 250,000 deaths result from heart attacks annually. It has been estimated that the annual incidence of heart attack is 600,000 new attacks and 320,000 recurrent attacks. More than 148,000 were under 65. 2,400 Americans die of CVD each day. 310,000 deaths occur out-of-hospital or in hospital emergency departments. Statistics show that an American will suffer a coronary event every 26 seconds, and about every minute someone will die from one. 38 percent of the people experiencing a coronary attack in a given year will die. 82 percent of people dying of CHD are 65 years or older. CHD caused one in five deaths among Americans in 2004. More people died from CVD than from Cancer in 2004. CVD ranked highest among disease categories in hospital discharges in 2005. Life expectancy would increase by seven years if all forms of CVD were eliminated ("Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics" 1-40). According to the World Health Organization, deaths by heart attacks are preventable. CPR and defibrillation within the first few minutes after collapse, followed by advanced care can result in high survival rates. 20,000 lives could be saved annually by the use of Automated External

Battles of world war II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Battles of world war II - Essay Example In mid- November of 1942, a startling pincer assault by two Russian navies tore off the German Sixth Army, which was then confined to a bloody purge for the city of Stalingrad. Locked in a cauldron, the Sixth Army that was under the authority of General Friedrich Paulus was commanded by Hitler to seize its position rather than withdraw west to unite the forefront of the German forces. Hitler was optimistic that he could muster the Red Army after the crippling winter of 1942, informed on the verity that despite Army Group Centre had suffered a crippling blow after heavy assault west of Moscow the previous winter. The German summer odious to the south of the Eastern Front was fuelled by two main goals: material and time resources. Hitler was openly significantly unyielding to finish the offensive before the strength of the United States entered the war came into limelight and secondly, he was indomitable to lock oil resources in the Caucasus, which would refuse them the Soviet Union al though saving a supplementary petroleum reserve for Germany (Palmer 40-60). As German advanced to Stalingrad in summer, the Soviets had amassed sufficient warning of the German’s progress to ship practically all the city’s grain, rail-road rolling stockpile and cattle across the Volga. The â€Å"harvest triumph† left the town short of food supply still before the German assault started. Production persisted in some industries, especially the ones producing T-34 tanks. The battle of Stalingrad started with the grave shelling of the metropolis by Wolfram von Richthofen’s, which in autumn and spring of 1942 was the mainly prevailing single air configuration in the world. Over 1, 000 tons of bombs were dropped. The city was hastily turned into debris, although some industries continued manufacturing whilst employees joined in the fighting (Robbins

Monday, August 26, 2019

Financial analysis of Vodafone and Exeter University Essay

Financial analysis of Vodafone and Exeter University - Essay Example Establish a robust and emerging market. The organization aims to manage a dynamic portfolio in order to render the maximum gains to its investors and shareholders. The capital structure of the firm must be aligned in such a manner that the return and strategy are both in tandem with each other and the shareholders gain maximum returns with the new three year dividend target. The Key Performance Indicators of Vodafone are based on the continuous monitoring and control by the Board of the Directors along with the Executive Committee to measure the financial performance of the company against the strategic objectives. The performance is measured on both the financial and non-financial terms reflecting upon the organizational strategy and operations. The free cash flow generated by the organization values ?7,241m which can be used by investments and other financial purposes such as manager’s salary etc. The organic growth of the company is estimated to be ?4,051m , almost 19.3 % T he capital expenditure incurred by the company for meeting the needs and requirements of its customers is ?6,192m It was witnessed that at the end of the financial year 2010, many markets relocated to NPS that is another source to measure the customer satisfactory levels. EBITDA is used as a measure to monitor and control segment wise performance of the company which is calculated to be ?14,735m (7.4) % in 2010. Apart from the above, the performance of the company can also be judged from the total increase in employees from last year to a count of 5893 employees out of which major senior positions have been grabbed by female employees. Vodafone has to combat threat of fierce competition among few... Financial analysis of Vodafone and Exeter University Vodafone Group being a private company deals in the global telecommunication business which is headquartered in UK and spread across 30 countries. The organization extends a wide span of voice and data services to many countries across the world through the medium of mobiles. The span of control extends from Europe, Africa, and Middle East, America to Asia-Pacific. The product line of the company ranges from fixed line, internet services to digital television. The total revenue of the organization in the year 2010 was  £44.47 billion; the operating income was calculated to be  £9.480 billion and the total profit was ascertained to be  £156.98 billion in 2010. The organization stands second in terms to total number of subscribers. The company is a listed company featured in the primary list of London Stock Exchange and secondary listing on NASDAQ, also being a fundamental component of 100 Index. The total revenue of the Vodafone group has witnessed an 8.4 percent increase, reach ing almost  £44,472 million. Vodafone believes that EBITDA that is ascertains does not entail few items that may have an impact on the company’s performance, hence to offset the imbalance the EBITDA is evaluated in coordination with the other GAAP and non-GAAP principles that gives a fair view of its operating profit figures. However the adjusted operating profit calculated by the firm does not include non-operating income, the impairment losses etc.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization Research Paper

Developing Staffing Plan for an Organization - Research Paper Example An organization may prompt to promote staff from within rather than critically analyzing the needs and consequences to the organization. This strategy might not be effective towards the success of the organization (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan enables organizations plan appropriately for the future through identification of current and future staffing requirements. This ensures compliance to the federal and state requirements, as well as assisting organizations in developing and communicating the staffing strategies to the stakeholders. Furthermore, staffing plan is critical in identification of contingency plans, and this addresses the staffing needs based on availability of resources. As a result, an organization can defend and explain the decisions taken when hiring or retrenching the personnel based on objective analysis and proper reasoning complimented by the staffing plan (Budahl, 1970). A staffing plan necessitates transformation of the staffing function to ensure alignment of the human capital to the strategic goals of a company. This enhances utilization of employee, competitive positioning and overall effectiveness.This report presents a website development staffing plan. It covers the literature review, the staff resource; staff assigned roles, resource loading and organizational structure. 2.0. Literature Review From the business point of view, not all staffing positions require full time commitment. Some key functions can be bundled up together to enable a single position cover more than one function. Furthermore, some major functions may be under board committee member or volunteer. Ideally, the staffing plan entails all the staffing needs within a period of 2-3 years. Whenever an opportunity of adding staff arises, the organization response can be quick and assured. The current staff, stakeholders and board members enhances collection of input through which a draft plan can be pulled together within a short duration. Mostly, the drafting process starts by establishing goals and mission of the organization and identification of customer requirements. Identification of customer requirements enhances determination of the kind of staff required as well as determining key functions to keep the organization afloat (Bhat & Simon, 2008). Staffing plan outlines the responsibilities and assignment of various staff to different duties to enhance accountability. This must address the need for any financing or fundraiser. The people enhancing funding should be among the staff. The staffing plan should clearly outline the business objectives. This state the measurable targets on how the business aims must be achieved and sets out the values of the business. This enhances comprehensive understanding of the underlying basis the business actions. Normally, the business objectives reflect the desired financial outcomes. These include the desired profit levels and sales, the growth rates, the amount of generated cash, and the dividends or business value paid to the stakeholders. The objectives can be corporate, functional or unit. Corporate objectives express the relationship of the entire business, and the top management takes

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Critically consider the impact of implementing the new statutory Essay - 1

Critically consider the impact of implementing the new statutory guidence for the new early years foundation stage 2012 across the early years sector - Essay Example The new statutory guidance is based on four principles that ensure the child is brought up in a unique manner to produce an individual who is self reliant and independent. It provides to the professionals a set of principles and requirements whose target is providing high quality education to the children. The principles ensures that all the professional educators meet a certain set target of quality ensuring that the children are equally educated at the tender age. The new statutory insists on the professionals spending more of their time interacting with the children to ensure that there are more creative and communicate easily. The uniformity in the kind of quality expected in the children at this age will ensure that the level of competition in the education increases and hence better individuals are produced starting from this early stage. The new early year’s foundation is very mindful on the children and the improvements are expected to benefit them more. It equips the professionals with knowledge of how to share the progress of children between the age of one and three years (Jarvis, George and Holland 2013, p.65). The children are assessed on personal, emotional and social development that was not there in the earlier foundation. The children are also examined on literacy in mathematics design and expressive arts. This kind of assessment will have an effect on the children such that their talents and abilities are identified very early and guiding them into choosing a career will be easier. The EYFS insists on partnership between the parents and the professionals so that the child is developed both at home and at school. It encourages parent involvement in the child development and it gives insight on how they can support the development at home. The parent spends most of the time with the child and it would be easier for them than the teacher to identify the needs of the child that would

Friday, August 23, 2019

US Policy on Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

US Policy on Immigration - Essay Example In March 2003, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - a cabinet level federal agency created under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and tasked to coordinate and implement internal security took over immigration duties from the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Under the supervision of DHS, immigration enforcement is now under the Border and Security Directorship and immigration services under the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (National Immigration Forum, August 2003). The mandate given to Homeland Security to implement immigration policy was to enable the body to strictly enforce immigration rules with regards to the fact that Al Qaida operatives who undertook terrorist activities from 1993 until 2001 were able to enter the United States by exploiting the weaknesses in the immigration system (M. Krikorian, Spring 2004). The Department of Homeland Security is tasked to secure the borders of the country in order to prevent illegal entries of immigrants, and to this effect a record 4.5 million people have been apprehended and repatriated, out of which were 350,000 have criminal records according to the White House, at least since President George Bush took office (White House, November 28, 2005). The message being sent is that the United States "border must be open to trade and tourism and closed to criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists" (White House, November 28, 2005). ...ecretary of Homeland Security to enforce laws pertaining to security in conjunction with the issuance of visas of consulates and visas, powers that were vested before in the Secretary of State (National Immigration Forum, August 2003). Thus, the Homeland Security has personnel posted at American embassies and consulates all over the world.However, immigration policy which fell under the national security context had been countere d by parties which say that the current policy is harsh to immigrants who have traditionally bolstered the economic power and the democratic space of the United States. As a response, the Bush administration has made efforts to undertake reforms that would bolster national security concerns without undermining the rights of immigrants and making it difficult for those who are productive and law-abiding to become legal citizens of the United States. Border patrols and no-exception policy on repatriation of illegal entrants (most of those who come through Mexico) are coupled with proposals for a new Temporary Worker Program which will allow migrant worker to register for a definite period, after which they have to leave (White House, November 28, 2005). The temporary worker program has been advocated as a safer alternative than granting amnesty which the government believes would reward those who break the law.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marriage Imprisons Essay Example for Free

Marriage Imprisons Essay Lectric Law Library defines marriage as, A contract made in due form of law, by which a free man and a free woman reciprocally engage to live with each other during their joint lives, in the union which ought to exist between husband and wife. By the terms freeman and freewoman in this definition are meant, not only that they are free and not slaves, but also that they are clear of all bars to a lawful marriage (Marriage). Unfortunately, this written definition doesnt always seem to be working in everyday life. In the short stories, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin, An Adventure in Paris by Guy de Maupassant and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, a reader may find many examples that demonstrate how marriage imprisons people. In the vey first sentence in The Story of an Hour a reader finds out that the main character, Louise has heart trouble and may not be able to handle shock or surprise. At the same time, her heart problems symbolize her heartbreak over her role in life. From almost the beginning, the reader is given a clue that Louise has wanted to free herself from her marriage. Mrs. Mallard reacts to the news about her husbands death with sudden, wild abandonment and locks herself in her bedroom (Chopin 123). The narrator notes that her reaction is not usual for a woman who has just lost her husband. She does not feel paralyzed or unable to accept his fate. She is able to quickly abandon her role as a wife. Ironically, her husbands death makes Louise to feel alive for the first time. The author describes the beautiful change from winter to spring. The new season is a symbol of the transformation of Louises character. The open widow symbolizes all the possibilities that are now available to her. The storys springtime setting also symbolizes her rebirth as an independent person. Now that her husband is dead, she will be free to assert herself in ways she never before dreamed while she was married. She states that she had loved her husband sometimes, but that now she would be Free! Body and soul free! (Chopin 124). The major irony of the story comes with the surprise at the end. Louise thought her freedom would come from her husbands death. Instead, she gains freedom from his domination only in her own death after she finds out hes alive. Unfortunately, long fee life she imagined lasted just for an hour. Another great example of imprisoned by marriage woman is the main character of An Adventure in Paris by Guy De Maupassant. In the story the author reveals a story of a married woman who has spent a great portion of her life at home raising her two children. Obviously, she neither had the chance to experience much excitement nor adventure through these years. Thus, she felt that she was growing old without having known life (De Maupassant 512). She often thought of the exciting life of Paris, wishing to free herself from the dull life she led, and to get the chance to experience some pleasure on her own. One day, she finds a pretext to get out of the house and goes for a journey to Paris (De Maupassant 512). She meets a well-know man, Jean Varin who shows her the way he lives in Paris. They go together for a walk, for a dinner, she even stays at his house for the night. Unfortunately, all she experiences next to his side is nothing comparing to what she dreamed of. She realizes that those well-known men in Paris arent any different than her own husband. Just like her husband Varin snores and sleeps on his back. Lying next to Varin in bed, she was heartbroken (De Maupassant 515). Surprisingly through out the story a narrator never reveals the womans name, she is referred to the reader as a she (De Maupassant 512). This is not an accident of a narrative. De Maupassant shows that while the woman is married, she cease to exist as her own person. The woman is simply controlled and imprisoned by her family and all the responsibilities as a mother and wife. In contrast, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber illustrates that not only women may experience a feeling of being imprisoned by marriage. The main character in the story, Walter Mitty is fully controlled by his wife and seems to be unable to stand up for himself. Mitty is trapped in a world that is full of dull responsibilities and offers few possibilities for adventure. He spends much of his time escaping into fantasies in which it is him who is in control, and in which his life is full of excitement and adventure. Mitty dreams of flying planes in hazardous conditions and causing scenes in courtrooms, but his life consists of buying overshoes and waiting for his wife to have her hair done. His wife obviously worries about Walters health and welfare; she observes that he is nervous, suggests a visit to a doctor, notes that she intends to check his temperature when they return home, and reminds him to wear his gloves and buy overshoes. Unfortunately, at the same time she is breaking the spirit of the man in his life which makes him feel imprisoned. Mitty keeps escaping into fantasies to forget at least for few minutes about his miserable life. Many people recognize marriage with happiness and joyful life. Unfortunately, as we learn from the three stories above, married people often find their life more dull than enjoyable. Lack of excitement and pleasures in marriage, make spouses life unhappy and thats why they often look for a way to escape from it. Thus, in reality marriage differs from its written definition and in fact imprisons people. Works Cited Baush, Richard and R.V. Cassill, eds. The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. New York: Norton, 2006. Chopin, Kate. The Story of an Hour. Baush and Cassil123- 125. De Maupassant, Guy. An Adventure in Paris. Baush and Cassil 511- 516. Marriage. The Lectric Law Librarys Lexicon On. 2007. Lectric Law Library.15 Nov 2007. Thurber, James. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Baush and Cassill 720- 724.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Power point presentation Essay Example for Free

Power point presentation Essay A slide show is a es of still images on a projection screen or electronic display device, typically in a prearranged sequence. Each image is usually displayed for at least a few seconds, and sometimes for several minutes, before it is replaced by the next image. The changes may be automatic and at regular intervals or they may be manually controlled by a presenter or the viewer. Slide shows originally consisted of a series of individual photographic slides projected onto a screen with a slide projector. When referring to the video or computer-based visual equivalent, in which the slides are not individual physical objects, the term is often written as one word, slideshow. A slide show may be a presentation of images purely for their own visual interest or artistic value, sometimes unaccompanied by description or text, or it may be used to clarify or reinforce information, ideas, comments, solutions or suggestions which are presented verbally. Slide shows are sometimes still conducted by a presenter using an apparatus such as a carousel slide projector or an overhead projector, but now the use of an electronic video display device and a computer running presentation software is typical. Animation Animation is the process of creating a continuous motion and shape change illusion by means of the rapid display of a sequence of static images that minimally differ from each other. The illusion—as in motion pictures in general—is thought to rely on the phi phenomenon. Animations can be recorded on either analogue media, such as a flip book, motion picture film, video tape, or on digital media, including formats such as animated GIF ,Flash animation or digital video. To display it, a digital camera, computer, or projector are used. Presentation Presentation is the rehearsal of performance and the explanation of the content of a theme to viewers or students. In the business world, we have sales presentation, informational and motivational presentation, first encounters, interviews, briefings, status report, image building and training sessions. presentation of a seri

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Risk Assessment Report For Cinema Complex Construction Essay

Risk Assessment Report For Cinema Complex Construction Essay The purpose of this report is to conduct a thorough risk assessment of the premises and identify potential workplace hazards. The risk assessment was conducted using a specially designed Risk Assessment Structure which gauges the potential risk of a hazard by assessing the likelihood of the hazard occurring against the severity of outcome of the hazard. Through conducting a risk assessment of the facility, seven unaddressed hazards have been identified. The identified hazards whilst mostly low-to-medium risk in nature still present the potential to cause injury to guests and employees, well as causing damage to the companys property, plant and equipment which could ultimately have a negative impact on the companys human, financial and physical assets. The risks associated with the identified hazards are; the potential for the popcorn maker to catch fire, a lack of protective foot ware, filling the popcorn dispenser, tiling in the front-of-house area, hot oil and kernels spitting from the popcorn maker, electrical cord checking procedures and the location of emergency mapping. In order to reduce the potential risk the identified hazards pose, several recommendations have been made. The potential for a popcorn maker fire to occur can be reduced through adequate training and placing signage detailing the correct cooking method on the popcorn maker. The potential for oil to seep into employees shoes can be reduced significantly be replacing the current fabric based Converse All Stars with leather shoes. If this is not a financially viable option the role of producing popcorn can be transferred to kitchen staff that are required to wear leather shoes. The potential for slips to occur on tiling can be reduced by applying a non-slip coating or placing anti-slip grip over the most vulnerable areas. Introducing personal protective clothing will reduce the risk of burns caused by spitting from the popcorn maker. Monitoring electrical cords on a quarterly basis as opposed to annually will help to detect an electrical hazard before it occurs. Repositioning the facili ties emergency map and installing a battery operated touch light above it will increase its visibility in an emergency situation. Table of Contents 1. Introduction The Candy Bar, being a primary revenue centre, plays a vital role in the operation of a cinema complex. The Candy Bar being assessed for this report is located within a cinema complex at Bondi Junction, Sydney. Alongside the Candy Bar the multi-level cinema complex also contains seven traditional auditoriums, two V-max cinemas, two Gold Class auditoriums and a cafà © and bar. The primary focus of this report is to identify workplace hazards located within the Candy Bar and provide recommendations to reduce the risk that they pose. A risk assessment has been developed to assess the level of risk that an identified hazard poses. The assessment structure determines the level of risk associated with the hazards by measuring the likelihood of the hazard to ____ against the severity of the harm caused. 2. Background to the facility The Candy Bar is an 18-meter by 10-meter facility located within the main foyer of a multi-level cinema complex located at Bondi Junction, Sydney. The Candy Bar offers customers both hot and cold food and beverage options and is staffed by up to six employees during busy periods. The Candy Bar has been designed with the intention of being a self-service facility and thus contains a variety of specialized equipment to meet this goal. The facility consists of three primary functional sections; back-of-house, front-of-house and the cash registers. Figure 1 shows a layout of the facility. The back of house area is where all hot and cold food is prepared for sale and where all packaged goods are stored before being moved to the self service area of the Candy Bar for sale. The Candy Bar is entirely self service and contains a variety of specialized equipment designed to meet this need. The registers section of the Candy Bar consists of five touch screen, computer operated, registers, which operate using the Vista POS (Point Of Sale) system. Attached to each computer are hand held scanners which are used to process all items with barcodes. In June of 2010 the candy bar was closed for several weeks whilst it was rebranded and refurbished. The recent renovation means that a large portion of the equipment in the facility is less than six months old. With the exception of one ice machine all equipment is in good working order. At the time of reporting the carpet which covered the majority of the front-of-house floor has been removed and is in the process of being replaced with tiles. Fig. 1 Layout of the Candy Bar 3. Analysis of the facilities safety equipment and procedures 3.1. Hazard identification and reporting procedures The company has extensive hazard identification and reporting procedures similar to that outlined by ODonnell (1993). As well as actively encouraging employees to report potential hazards. A formal Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) audit of the premises is carried out each quarter by the Workplace Safety Coordinator (see Appendix __ for job description). When a hazard is identified it is immediately reported to the Duty Manager and the WSC, who assume responsibility for managing the risk. They then assess the level of risk associated with the hazard by completing a mandatory Fixing a Workplace Hazard form, which is then stored on the companies intranet and on the OHS board so that all employees are aware of the hazard. The management team then implement internal controls aimed at eliminating or reducing the risk to an acceptable level. If the hazard cannot be resolved by the management team and WSC it must be referred to the appropriate Regional Manager or the National Operations Executive (OHS) who will provide assistance in resolving the issue. In addition to dealing with hazards on a site-by-site basis a National Workplace Health and Safety Committee also convenes quarterly. The committee which consists of six representatives from various divisions within the company meets to discuss OHS issues which allows for the sharing of information across sites, as a hazard identified at one venue is likely to be present at others. 3.2. Training The cinema has in place a strong OHS training program. For employees, hazard identification training begins at their induction. As well as participating in workshops employees are also required to fill in a series of workbooks relating to OHS during their first weeks of employment. As recommended by ____ ___, the company also schedules two formal and compulsory fire and armed robbery training sessions each year to ensure that employees are capable of responding efficiently to fires, evacuations, armed holdups and bomb threats. 3.3. Emergency equipment ITEM QTY LOCATION AGE LIFE CONDITION Fire blanket 2 Gasoline generator 1 Back of house 6 years 15 years Average Emergency equipment located within the Candy Bar includes __ fire extinguishers, __ fire blankets, __ fire hoses __ first aid kits, __ emergency evacuation signs, __ hazardous product information sheets and gasoline generator. 4. Risk Assessment 4.1 Risk assessment structure methodology Risk estimation can be quantitative, semi quantitative or qualitative in terms of the probability of occurrence and the possible consequence (IRM Risk Management Standard 2002). In order to identify and measure the potential risk associated with identified hazards within the cinema a qualitative risk assessment structure has been developed. The structure takes the form of a two-dimesional matrix (see table 1) measures the severity of the risk against the likelihood of the hazard occurring. The probability of the hazard occurring is divided into four categories; unlikely, possible, likely and certain as recommended by SafeWork SA (2010). An unlikely hazard is one that could occur but only in rare circumstances. A possible hazard could occur but it would be unlikely for it to eventuate. A likely hazard will probably occur at some point in time and a certain hazard poses an imminent threat. Likelihood ratings LIKELIHOOD CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Almost certain A 75% chance of occurrence. Likely B Will probably occur 25% to 75% chance of occurrence in ten-year Possible C Might occur at some point in time Unlikely D May occur in exceptional circumstances chances of occurrence are less than 2% in ten-year period. Risk consequence descriptions The objective of risk description is to display identified risks in a structured format, for example by using a table. The risk description and assessment of risks. The use of a well-designed structure is necessary to ensure a comprehensive risk identification, description and assessment process. By considering the consequence and probability of each risks set out in the table, it should be possible to prioritise the key risks that need to be analysed in more detail (IRM Risk Management Standard 2002). 1.Name of risk Minimal, Serious, Major Catastrophic. 2. Scope of risk Qualitative description of the event, its size, type, number and dependencies. 3. Nature of risk Operational, Structural 4. Risk tolerance/ Appetite Value at risk Probability and size of potential losses/gains Objective(s) for control of the risk and desired level ofperformance 5. Risk treatment control mechanisms Primary means by which the risk is currently managed Levels of confidence in existing control Identification of protocols for monitoring and review. Risk assessment matrix Probability X Severity UNLIKELY POSSIBLE LIKELY ALMOST CERTAIN Minimal:bruising, minor cuts, mild chemical irritation of eyes or skin Low risk Low risk Low risk Medium risk Serious:loss of consciousness, burns, electric shock, broken bones, injury resulting in absence from work for more than 3 days, other non-permanent chemical effects Low risk Medium risk Medium risk High risk Major:permanent injury will result, major damage to property, plant and equipment or financial assets Low risk Medium risk High risk High risk Catastrophic:loss of life, severe restrictions in the operation of the facility Medium risk High risk High risk High risk Probability: Severity of injury: Risk: (Figure Risk Assessment structure presented in a table) 4.2 Identified Hazards A thorough hazard identification assessment of the facility has identified six unaddressed risks within the Candy Bar. 4.2.1. Popcorn maker fires It is vital when making popcorn that the correct popcorn making procedures are followed. If oil is entered into the kettle before the corn kernels it can quite easily combust and catch of fire when the seed hits the hot oil. Whilst staff are trained in how to make popcorn this hazard is not highlighted and employees could easily fill the kettle with oil before adding the corn seed, believing that the order of adding the ingredients does not affect the making of the popcorn. 4.2.2 Lack of protective footwear Currently Candy Bar employees are required to wear Converse All Star shoes. Whilst the shoes complement the uniform the fabric that they are made of presents a hazard. It is possible that whilst making popcorn oil and hot seeds can spit from the popcorn maker or oil can drip from fryers which will seep through the shoes fabric and burn employees. 4.2.3. Filling the popcorn dispenser The Candy Bar features a large self-service popcorn dispenser, which is maintained by employees from the back-of-house. In order to fill the dispenser employees are required to tip the popcorn in from the top of the unit. As the warmer stands at ___cm this requires employees to stand on a stool in order to do so. To accomplish this task safely a round stool has been provided however the stool is fitted with wheels which could cause it to slip if placed on a wet floor or on top of popcorn which has been spilt on the floor. It is also common for the stool to be taken and used in other parts of the cinema with staff resorting to using milk crates to stand on when filling the dispenser. This has the potential to cause serious injury as the crates are not designed to withstand the weight of a human and also have no nonslip features. 4.2.4 Tiling in the front-of-house area As part of recent refurbishments carpet that used to cover the floor in the ques to the cash registers have been replaced with tiles. The tiles present a hazard to customers as they become highly slippery when wet which happens quite frequently as customers often spill drinks. 4.2.5. Hot oil and kernels spitting from the popcorn maker The popcorn machine presents a hazard to employees as it is possible for hot oil and popcorn seeds to spit out of the machine and burn employees. 4.2.6. Electrical cord checking procedures It is company policy that all electrical cords located within a hostile work environment are inspected on a twelve monthly basis and that they are tagged with the inspection date (see fig. ). The company defines a hostile work environment as a working environment where the electrical equipment is normally subjected to events or operating conditions likely to damage equipment i.e. exposure to moisture, heat, vibration, dust and fumes and cord flexing (Greater Union, Birch, Caroll and Coyle 2008). In accordance with company policy the Maintenance Officer who also acts as the SWC inspects the cords on an annual basis. However only inspecting the cords on an annual basis leaves employees at risk of electric shock if the cords are to become frayed or damaged during the year. 4.2.7. Location of complex map 6. Recommendations Listed below are a series of practical and realistic recommendations for minimizing the risk of the five identified hazards. 6.1. Popcorn maker fires To reduce the likelihood of an employee incorrectly entering ingredients into the popcorn maker it is suggested that informative signage is attached to the popcorn maker. The signage should warn of the dangers associated with incorrectly making popcorn and should also demonstrate the correct popcorn making procedure. The signage could easily be attached to the bottom of the middle section of the popcorn maker (see figure _ for example of where to place signage). 6.2. Lack of protective footwear Two possible options have been identified for reducing the risk of this hazard. This hazard could be eliminated by removing the Converse shoes and replacing them with similar leather shoes which still fit with the theme of the uniform and which would stop spilt oil from burning employees feet. This however could be a costly solution as the shoes which are less than six months old would need to be replaced. It is also suggested that the job of making popcorn could be transferred from those who are working in generally in the Candy Bar to employees who are working specifically in the kitchen. Employees working in the kitchen are required to wear protective leather shoes and having them prepare the popcorn would significantly reduce the chance of oil seeping through shoes. 6.3. Filling the popcorn dispenser It is recommended that the stool that is currently being used as an aid when filling the popcorn warmer is replaced with a small step ladder. Replacing the stool with a ladder similar to that in figure _ will provide a sturdy platform for employees to work with. The ladder is fitted with non-slip steps and non-slip stoppers on its legs which will help to prevent the ladder from becoming unsteady and slipping. 6.4. Tiles in the front-of-house area To reduce the risk of customers slipping on wet tiles it is recommended that the tiles are covered with a non-slip tile coating. Several companies offer non-slip coatings which are simply washed onto the tiles. The coatings are invisible, do not cause a sticky sensation and can easily be mopped away at the end of service and reapplied the next day. 6.5. Hot oil and popcorn spitting from the popcorn maker It is recommended that in order to reduce the risk of injury from spitting oil and popcorn kernels, new protective clothing is introduced. It is suggested that employees making popcorn should be required to wear protective glasses and apron which will reduce the likelihood of spits from the popcorn machine from injuring staff. Measures such as these are already mandatory conditions across the United Kingdom (Joyce 2010). 6.6. Electricity checking procedures As part of an overall strategy of risk control, there are a number of general precautions that should be observed when working with electrical equipment such as computers or printers at the front office. Always turn off and disconnect the computer from the power point before moving it or doing any electrical work on it. Remember, a computer carries at lease 240V and needs to be treated with respect. Become familiar with electronic equipment before operating or servicing it. Try to avoid working on live equipment but when it is unavoidable never work alone. When servicing electrical equipment never leave it turned on when unattended. Observe warning signs or stickers on computer equipment. Due to its public nature, the establishment has to maintain emergency system to use in the event of a power failure. The system includes gasoline-powered generators to provide sufficient power for lighting computers, corridors and limited elevators service. Frequently this emergency system is automated. Although in some instance the workers have to switch the main electric plug. The workers should be educated and prepared for such instances to avoid panicking situation. (Dittmer 2002) 6.7. Appropriate Emergency Planning The staff at the Candy Bar should be trained according to the guidelines of Emergency Planning Committee. The management should ensure that appropriate people are assigned to specific roles on each shift and their responsibilities in emergency situations are clarified. (Van der Wagen Goonetilleke 2004). 7.0 Conclusion The Risk Assessment Report has analysed present and potential risks at the Candy Bar of Event Cinema Bondi Junction. It was found that the premises were surrounded by various hazards such as pop-corn maker fires, lack of protective footwear, tilling in-front of the house-area and Hot oil and kernels spitting from the popcorn maker. Due to its Public nature offering hospitality to a large number of people everyday even though the management followed OHS policies and procedures for risk prevention. The identified risks are then analyzed to establish the exposure for each risk and to determine which risk items are the most important ones to address. The report also provides effective recommendations on how to implement risk prevention strategies and risk treatments such as establishing a three-day employee-training workshop to ensure employee and customer safety at the premises. Also appropriate emergency planning should be implemented involving specific people assigned to specific role s in emergency situations.

Byzantium: faith and power 1261 - 1557 :: essays research papers

Byzantium – the state which has brought in the big contribution to development of culture to Europe of middle ages. Here the Christianity for the first time became an official religion. Christianity affected the Byzantine art. In Byzantine art the main subject of paintings – icons (Greek – image) were holy figures: Christ, the Virgin Mary, the saints, and the apostles. One of the most famous is icon with Archangel Gabriel, Byzantine (Constantinople or Sinai?), 13th century. There is the exhibition devoted to the art of Byzantine civilization at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The exhibition begins in 1261, when the capital Constantinople was restored to imperial rule, and concludes in 1557. It is last period of existence of Byzantium and time of last blossoming of its culture. One of the great example of Byzantine icons is Two-Sided Icon with the Virgin Pafsolype and Feast Scenes and the Crucifixion and Prophets, Byzantine (Constantinople) second half of the 14th century. On the observe side there is the picture of the Virgin and Child surrounded by ten feast scenes. At the upper left corner we can see Archangel Gabriel tells to the Virgin that she will have a Child. The last scene is the death of the Virgin. On the reserve side we can see the Crucifixion of the Christ. Mother and apostle stand near Christ with a great sorrow on their faces. The other great icon from that epoch is icon with Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Scenes of her Passion and Martyrdom, Sinai, 13th century. The image of Saint Catherine also surrounded by twelve small scenes from her life. There are scenes of her imprisonment and torture, and we can see that angel never leaves her. The last scene is her beheading. If we look at this icon we can see that the Saint Catherine holds the cross on her hands; it means that she was murdered because of her faith in Christianity. She dressed as a royal person. The background of an icon symbolizes divine essence. For example, gold – Divine light, white – cleanliness of the Christ and light of his Divine, green -

Monday, August 19, 2019

The reaction between sodium thiosulphate and HCL :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

The reaction between sodium thiosulphate and HCL Aim - The aim of this experiment was to find out the rate of a reaction at different temperatures. - We also wanted to find out the rate of the reaction at a different temperature in bigger or smaller surface areas. Prediction - My prediction is, by increasing the temperature a reaction will happen more quickly. The more heat - The Faster reaction and more collision. The lower the temperature - The slower the reaction and less collision. GRAPH My Understanding Reactions occur at different speeds in different temperatures. I’ve learnt that if the temperature is high reactions will take place much more quickly and the particles will collide more often. The table and graphs prove my theory. The Calculator was used for calculating the average of the times that was recorded for the reactions to happen. The Beaker was used to mix the chemicals for the reaction to take place. The Stop watch was used for timing how long it took for the reaction to happen. Method - For this experiment I first set up the apparatus with the apparatus that is shown above. - I then poured 5lm of HCL into a conical flask. - I then measured 10 ml of sodium thiosulphate, - I then I added it to the 5 ml of HCL. - I recorded how long it took for the reaction to take place, which was how long it took for the X to disappear. - With the times that I recorded from the experiment, I calculated an average. - I then repeated the experiment at 3 different temperatures. Factors and Fair Test To make this a fair test I: - Kept the amount and concentration of the chemicals the same. - Varied the temperatures to find out how long it would take for a reaction to happen at different temperatures - Did each experiment at each temperature three times to make the experiment more fair. I also calculated an average, this reduces any anomalous data. Conclusion - My results show that the hotter the reactants the faster the reaction. - This happened because the particles move more quickely and collide more often as stated in the collision theory. - The experiment proved my prediction correct which was based upon the

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Achilles Essay -- essays research papers

From the very beginning of the poem, the character Achilles is one of the major foci of the story. His actions of lack of actions have enormous effects upon how the plot unfolds. Starting with the fight with Agamemnon and his withdrawal from the battle, to the death of Patroklos, and finally to the slaying of Hektor, Achilles and his emotions decide the fate of many Greek and Trojan warriors. It is his struggle against his anger, pride, loyalty, and love that make this poem one of a tragic nature, rather than just a gruesome account of a war. Although the reputation of Achilles claims him to be the perfect warrior, strongest of the Greeks, the poem spends more time on the man than on his reputation. I think the most obvious presentation of this occurs in the final book and is consistent with the character earlier in the poem. I believe the most speculation about inconsistencies in Achilles’ character would center on his savageness towards the Trojans, especially Hektor, after the death of Patroklos, and his sensitivity towards Priam’s plea for his son’s body. It could be considered odd that Achilles is so understanding to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago Achilles was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that Achilles vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew Achilles’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield. I believe that this is not the same Achilles we saw ... Achilles Essay -- essays research papers From the very beginning of the poem, the character Achilles is one of the major foci of the story. His actions of lack of actions have enormous effects upon how the plot unfolds. Starting with the fight with Agamemnon and his withdrawal from the battle, to the death of Patroklos, and finally to the slaying of Hektor, Achilles and his emotions decide the fate of many Greek and Trojan warriors. It is his struggle against his anger, pride, loyalty, and love that make this poem one of a tragic nature, rather than just a gruesome account of a war. Although the reputation of Achilles claims him to be the perfect warrior, strongest of the Greeks, the poem spends more time on the man than on his reputation. I think the most obvious presentation of this occurs in the final book and is consistent with the character earlier in the poem. I believe the most speculation about inconsistencies in Achilles’ character would center on his savageness towards the Trojans, especially Hektor, after the death of Patroklos, and his sensitivity towards Priam’s plea for his son’s body. It could be considered odd that Achilles is so understanding to Priam and the burial of Priam’s son, when not that long ago Achilles was dragging the body of Hektor around the grave of Patroklos. This is the same corpse that Achilles vowed to feed to the dogs, the man who slew Achilles’ dearest companion and led him to swallow his pride and return to the battlefield. I believe that this is not the same Achilles we saw ...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethan Frome: Tragic figure that function

Ethan Frome: Tragic figure that functions as an instrument of the suffering of others ay cache1897 unit Four: Ethan Frome In the novella Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, main character Ethan Frome is a man that faces many disappointments as well no self-assurance. Ethan Frome is definitely a tragic flgure that functions as an Instrument of the suffering of others In the novel. Ethan Frome overall is a very tragic tale of misery and suffering, and any of the main characters involved can be connected to that suffering.Wharton makes Ethan not only the victim, but the function of all the other characters suffering to ruly get In depth with the flaws that Ethan possesses. Zeena, Ethan FromeS wife experiences much suffering due to Ethan. Ethan spent his whole life never being able to stand up for himself. He chose to marry Zeena for the sole reason that she would end his loneliness. It could have also been the fact that he felt bad that she dedicated her life to taking care of Ethan's mom. Ne xt, Ethan decided to give Zeena a loveless relationship.Never in the text does Ethan show any sort of emotion toward his wife, nor does she show any towards him. Ethan is omewhat awful towards the one in which he personally chose to be his wife. He chooses to go to â€Å"work† rather than drive her to the doctor, he decides to pursue another woman who Is his wife's cousin, and lastly, he chooses to kill himself for the sake of his own independence and his â€Å"love† for Mattie. Zeena however, can be aggravating at times which causes Ethan to act certain ways. Zeena tragically has â€Å"hypochondria† which brings out the cold, unhappy, domineering woman who whines and complains incessantly.Ethan lets Zeena dominate him which shows his flaw of eing subordinate. These mistakes eventually lead to his fall. It Is clearly seen that Zeena uses Illness to get Ethan's attention and love he hasnt been giving. Zeena makes it hard for Ethan to show how he feels about Matti e in his heart, because when she comes around, Ethan Is blindsided by her thoughts in his head. â€Å"†¦ but there was only one thought in my mind: the fact that, for the first time since Mattie had come to live with them, Zeena was to be away for the night.He wondered if the girl were thinking of it too†¦ † (40). Another main character is Mattie Silver, who is he desired women Ethan wants to be with rather than his wife. From early descriptions of Mattie, she appears to be the silvery maiden whose arrival Into Ethan Frome's desperate life provides love and hope. Wharton describes Mattie as being a lively and happy young woman, before her suicide attempt that leaves her an invalid and a former shadow of herself. Her name, Mattie Silver, symbolizes the glistening and beauty of a piece of sterling silver.Wharton also states â€Å"The pure air, and the long summer hours In the open, gave life and elasticity to Mattie† (Wharton 60). Thls quote give Mattie the ima ge of someone with great beauty and personality. Ethan has strong feelings for Mattie and it turns out that the maiden has mutual feelings. Because she has feelings for him, and the sweetness of spirit to interest him in return, the resulting tragedies occur. She develops a catastrophic attitude. She had the mindset that if she couldnt be with Ethan, and be happy, then she doesn't want 1 OF2 sne tnen encourages Etnan to take tne slea down ana commit sulc10e wltn her.Her spontaneous and drastic emotions that are tied up with Ethan lead to much uffering. The fact that Ethan quickly agrees to commit suicide shows that he isn't really self-reliant and doesn't think for himself. Wharton shows a flaw that Ethan possesses which in turns cause much suffering for him and Mattie. Ethan Frome is definitely painted as a tragic figure in his crippled state of misery. His tragic flaw could be that he is too indebted to family, and feels too much obligation to them. This brings him home to care fo r his parents, and won't allow him to leave his wife to seek happiness.It's a good trait, loyalty, but in this case it eeps him shackled in a miserable situation, that, because he won't resolve it in a different way, leads to his tragic and spontaneous decision on the day he decides to go sledding with the women he truly desired. Although Ethan may have suffered, his suffering impacted the people around him. Ethan and his wife represent a broken relationship. It is very ironic how the pickle dish Zeena cherishes is broken. The fact that Zeena's cat breaks the pickle dish is significant. The cat is already symbolically linked with Zeena.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Do Political Parties Help or Hurt America Essay

Political parties have been in America since the very inception of the country. Political parties were originally designed to give voice to a group of people’s interests. But as the time has passed, the ideas being presented has been growing less about the people and more about the power and the longevity of the party and the people controlling it. The people are not voting for the candidate that they think will represent them the best but for the D or the R that appears on the side of the name. Should this be the main thing we look to when deciding the leaders of our government? The issue that people take with the concept and general structure of the modern day political parties is the reality of its inability to effectively govern with its supporters. The state must not be usurped by side interests or used as a means of dictating unpopular – or even popular – laws. In today’s parliamentary and representative republics, it is the power behind the party, not necessarily the party itself that decides policy. The question is, in today’s capitalistic world, will it be the people or the economic and financial advisers that hold the Party keys? Undoubtedly, it must be the people. However, here we encounter the question of how large a role any particular political party must take within the ideally reconstructed and redefined state. Let’s not forget: the state is but a temporary structure devised and built by Man. It is little more than the regulatory body that encompasses the concept of the political party. As such, it stands to be reformed – or, in certain cases, overhauled – by the parties that reside within it. What the people behind the Party must do, is make sure that their needs and necessary wants be taken up by the Party itself. This is but one aspect of the political party; my concern lies in the eventual – and it would happen eventually – fostering of a broader party â€Å"cult of personality†. Examples of this can be seen from the U. S. to Asia, from Europe to S. America and Africa. When the people begin to support the idealized face of party politics more so than the spirit of the individual, they resign themselves to the dictatorship of the governmental coalition. Instances of these can be seen in America’s dual-party political system, as well as in certain European states. In essence, the Party becomes little more than a modified form of political and social dictatorship. I would argue that while political parties have their place within society, their role and importance should be greatly isolated and/or minimalized. They should be nothing more than mouthpieces for the people who make up their constituency; as a legislative and governing body, their role must be subjected to the democratic will of the people they represent. I would propose a â€Å"Democracy from the bottom up† instead of the more recognized â€Å"Democracy from the top down†. Because living in a government with no freedom, is a fate worse than death!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Judgement Day

â€Å"First of all, let me apologise for our pathetic performance against Crystal Palace. Enough has been said about that already, and now we must focus positively on this afternoon's match. It's a game we must win, and then keep or fingers crossed about the eventual outcome. I don't want to think about the unthinkable. † The colourful, shiny programme I held in my hands trembled as I read this. It was from the weekly interview with the Portsmouth F. C. manager, Graham Rix. It sounded a long way away from the cool and collected manager, who had denied all problems and remained optimistic until this day. For you see, this was no ordinary day, no ordinary Saturday match for the inhabitants of the bustling south coast city of Portsmouth. This was like something out of a cheesy American movie. It was the last day of the season and, as they had been forced to do four times in the last six years, Portsmouth had to win to stay in the division. It was their own fault really, as many a Pompey fan would admit. They had spurned their chance to escape this last day nerve-jangler only three days prior to this momentous day. The chance had arisen when they played Crystal Place, the team one place below them, the place feared by managers and fans alike, the final relegation place. It had been a cold, damp night at Fratton Park, and yet still, the Pompey faithful wore only the shimmering blue and gold shirt, onto which, the Portsmouth badge was stitched. They had turned out in there hoards, believing this would be the night when our troubles came to an end, and after which we could relax, safe in the knowledge that we would remain in Division One for at least one more year. It was evident as the match kicked off that all was not well, as Palace stroked the ball around the park with ease, confident in their own surviving ability. This confidence paid off, and, within the first ten minutes of the match they had scored. They kept going, and by half time they were leading the uncomfortable looking ‘royal blues' 3-0. The rot continued, and despite a bright spell of ten minutes, in which they clawed it back from the brink to 3-2, the final score was one of woe for Portsmouth. The match finished 4- 2, with Portsmouth playing abysmally, and giving themselves a severe up hill struggle, needing to win by two or more goals on the last day, against a strong Barnsley team, whilst also counting on Crystal Palace or Huddersfield to lose. The crestfallen fans trudged home, pouring into the gloomy streets, no doubt feeling as bad as the dire weather. There were mutterings of discontent all over the town, about the manager, about the team, and most worryingly, about the future. It was obvious to me, from his emotional spill in the programme, that Rix had also felt this bitterness as he left the stadium. It was this I hoped, as I moved along with the surging mass of blue, that would keep us up, that finally we had a manager who cared about the team, not just his bank account. I noticed that, alike the sea of friends I did not know, I had been overtaken by a strange numbness, a sort of hollowness, which rendered me unable to speak or sing along with the rest. As I handed my ticket to the collector upon entering the lower east KJC stand, he seemed to notice my nervousness, and gave me a wink or reassurance, and told me it would be ok. This went a great deal to settling my nerves, but it was not nearly as soothing as the great roar that greeted me, as I stepped out from the stairs to find my seat, sifting through the cheering fans. It was quite simply breath taking; in all my life I am unable to recall another time when I had received such a rush of adrenaline. After taking to my seat I soon joined in with the familiar chants that had graced the ground for decades before, and lost my already quivering voice in the process. Then, the place went silent, as our chairman, Milan Mandric came out of the tunnel, looking as anxious as we all felt. He made a speech, which reverberated over the ancient tannoy, shaking the stands. He reassured us that this team was his heart, and we, were his blood. We were, in his eyes, the best followers he could have hoped for, and he then thanked us for coming, and made his way up the stairs of the stand, and sat down among the fans, much to their delight. The team then crossed the threshold of the tunnel, and entered the hallowed turf of Fratton Park to a standing ovation. It was the biggest game of their lives, but they did not show it, warming up as usual, and signing autographs for the children. Then, as they stripped from their training kits to reveal the kit, that every young boy from the area dreams of putting on, the ground seemed to take on an eerie silence. This continued for a few more minutes right up to the start of the match, when only then it was broken by the referees whistle, signifying one of the most important games in the history of the club, and certainly the most important in my short lifetime. This was it! This was the match! All of 16,000 people, the capacity crowd at Fratton Park held their breath, said their prayers, and hoped that after the ninety minutes had ended they would be cheering again. As the whistle sounded the crowd exploded into noise, with the fans hollering out the traditional morale boosting songs, unique to Portsmouth. Barnsley didn't know what hit them. From the start they faced wave after wave of attack from the blend of youth and experience that was the Portsmouth team, most of which broke onto the defensive rock that was Darren Barnard, the Welsh international. Then, as time went on the constant pressure applied from Portsmouth began to show, the lackadaisical Matt Appleby pondered too long on what to do next and was caught in possession by the energetic local boy, Gary O'Neil. He powered his was down the wing, and swung in an accurate, curling cross. This was met by the huge frame of die-hard Portsmouth fan and player Lee Bradbury, who powered the Blues into the lead by steering the ball past the hapless keeper, Kevin Miller, into the net. Before the ball had even touched the floor the crowd were on their feet, sheer jubilation running through them, as they hugged strangers, and friends alike. They could sense something special was on the way. I leapt up from my seat, throwing my programme to the floor, and cheered all I could, losing my voice, which I had only just regained. Among the crescendo of clapping and cheering the game had already started again. There was a buzz among the crowd, as the players in blue seemed to swarm the ill-fated Barnsley defence, pouncing on every mistake. After a swift attack in which Barnsley committed many men forwards, Portsmouth broke, tearing up the field, sweeping the ball from left to right. Lee Sharpe came up with it, on the left flank, and violently lashed it centrally, towards the advancing run of Gary O'Neil. The wayward defence watched, as he cut through them expertly, until he had a clear chance at goal. I was amazed at his composure, as most experienced players would, by now, just have belted it goal bound and hoped for the best, but O'Neil calmly and collectedly dinked the ball over the advancing keeper, and landed it in the far corner of the goal, where it rolled over the line. The crowd again detonated a chorus of cheers and clapping. O'Neil ran over to the crowd in celebration, and was instantly mobbed by the devotees, who were restrained by the stewards, who themselves were in a jubilant mood. All around me I could see happy faces, it was not their dream come true, but their nightmare vanquished, and I revelled with them in delight. It was, in hindsight, a little presumptuous of us though, to have celebrated already, as there was still another half to go. The first half in fact drew to a close with the booking of Bruce Dyer, who was beginning to get frustrated by the constant badgering from the home supporters. At half time the multitude of persons arose, and filed off, to get their customarily dodgy half time snack, of pies, tea and chocolate. Whilst down there though, many people began cheering, for what seemed like no reason, but then it was made public over the tannoy that at that specific moment in time both Huddersfield and Palace were losing, and if all stayed as it was we would stay up. Still, I was worried, football is a cruel game, and Portsmouth had been known for conceding late goals, costly ones. As I stepped back out onto the terracing I glanced around at the surroundings. It was an ocean of blue, shone upon by the sun, on a hot May afternoon. It all seemed calm, all problems washed away, knowing that we were all in this together, and that, come rain or shine, we always would be. It was a touching moment I can assure you. The next half continued as the first half finished, which was brilliant from our point of view, as we had been playing out of our socks for the first 45 minutes. The players had obviously deliberately not been told about the results elsewhere, as they still set about their task with a great sense of urgency, giving their all. The more and more we attacked the more defiant Barnsley became, and soon the constant failure of all of Portsmouth's attacks began to frustrate some of the Portsmouth players. What happened next horrified the Pompey faithful, as an off the ball argument soon developed into a brawl, in which Shaun Derry crudely head-butted Barnsley's captain Neil Shipperly, breaking his nose. For this pointless act of violence Derry was rightfully dismissed, and even the bluenose Portsmouth fans did not complain. Whilst Shipperly was replaced by Rory Fallon, Portsmouth adjusted their formation to cope with being a man down. There were whispers behind me that this was the changing point, and that all our good work had been undone. It was a worrying time to be a fan, and the jitteriness of the crowd returned. But my worries were soon quashed, as Portsmouth seemed not to be affected by their numerical disadvantage, and played some lovely flowing football, all applauded riotously by the fans. It was a long period of sustained build up play that led to the third goal. The ball had been played backwards, and forwards, as Portsmouth, instead of launching high balls over the top, decided to probe their opponents, and retain possession. This worked a treat, as a great link up between O'Neil and Mills put through Bradbury, who, with endless space took the ball cheekily around the keeper, and slotted the ball home, into the unguarded net. Barnsley were broken, their spirit crushed, they had been out played in every dimension and they knew it. The crowd also knew it, and sung out in great approval, as the minutes passed by at a snail's pace. After what seemed like an eternity the referee began to look down at his watch. At this the Portsmouth fans prompted him by whistling to a deafening pitch, and after two more minutes of this the referee, who had performed well, blew for time. For a second there was silence, an aura of disbelief swept over the stands. I stood there taking it all in, pinching myself, aware that I had just been privileged enough to witness one of the greatest moments in the clubs' history. My train of thought was broken, by the rather poignantly apt ‘Great Escape' theme being blasted out of speakers all around the ground. The crowd got their voice back again, and scenes of celebrations soon followed. I was swept along, on a wave of euphoria with the crowd onto the pitch, where the players were lifted high above the heads of the crowd, on their shoulders. Flags were hoisted up around the ground, and the news cameras were all over the place, interviewing fans, interviewing players. I came upon one interview with the relieved Graham Rix. On one of the greatest days of my life, I stood there, listening to what he had to say, along with a great number of fans, who waited to congratulate him after. His words at first were serious, stating, that ‘this would never happen again. ‘ How many times I had heard that in the last six years. But there was something about this man, something different. He cared. We all knew it, and we all knew that he would do everything in his power to keep his promise. His next words struck a particular chord with me, and have stuck with me ever since. His face changing from one of happiness to one of ambition, as his delivered his final words, ‘just think how those fans would have reacted if we could really give them something to celebrate! ‘

RCC Jazz in Concert Essay

On October 20, I attended a concert by the RCC Jazz in featuring Lanny Morgan at the Digital Library Auditorium. The name of group members which are used were Doug Webb (Tenor Sax), Tom Ranier (piano), Chuck Berhofer (bass), and Steve Schaeffer (drum â€Å"The Magic Flea† is an upbeat tempo song with mostly eighth notes, it features the Lanny Morgan as the guest artist on the alto sax. It has many key changes in the solo that he tore through liked pro, Smack Dab in the Middle. This song was a mid tempo song, closer to the paid back style of playing features accidentals to make a jazzy sound out the piece, â€Å"Better Days Ahead†. This song featured the guitar. The soprano sax played as lead accompanied by the first trumpet and the first trombone. Sam Nestoco, Pat Metheng, Morgan Luwis, Dave Wolpe they are all composers of the Jazz. Sometime, the rhythm section got off beat, but got back on. The base player was out of tune in the first song, which made the dynamics grea t. They were intense with short notes, crescendos, and stopping at the same time. In â€Å"The Magic Flea†, the melody was fast pace with eighth notes, and usually ending in a long note, or Staccato note. In â€Å"Smack Dab in The Middle† the Melody was laid back to correspond with the beat. It has two key changes, which are concert F, and concert A Flat,† Better Days Ahead† had a pushing tempo, with the guitar as the melody. The guitar player was a great soloist, who used many eight and sixteen notes. He played many notes that amazing in the chords the Sax player in the Smack Dab in The Middle used repetition to make his solo interesting. He hit a few high notes that matched perfect with the chords. Attending this concert taught me how talented these students are with their improvisation and great feel of time. They created a story with the music as it flowed while featuring individuals. I learned dynamics make a different when controlling the intensity of the piece. I learned that phrasing plays a huge part in Jazz by making epic stops learned that certain notes are perfect in key changes, and some create a Jazz tone that separates the genre from others. I also learned that the drummer contributes to determining how loud and soft the band gets. At the end of the performance, I was glad I had attended. It was an  interesting and entertaining performance. I was able to speak briefly with the musicians before leaving the concert. They were very helpful in answering my questions about the Jazz music. This was my first experience hearing live jazz in the concert. I enjoyed both the music and the ambiance of the concert, and I plan to return there soon.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Analysis Of The Barbie Doll Poem English Literature Essay

Analysis Of The Barbie Doll Poem English Literature Essay Since its debut in 1959, an unconceivable molded plastic statuette named Barbie has become an icon for little girls everywhere. The product line is one of the most successful in the history of the toy industry by selling over a Billion Barbie dolls worldwide throughout history in over 150 countries, with Mattel, Barbie’s inventor claiming that at least three dolls are sold every second. Barbie however has caused some controversy; many parents from around the world have argued that Barbie’s ultra-slim figure represents a ridiculous standard for a body shape and could give their child the wrong idea about what their body type should be like as they grow up. In the poem Barbie Doll, the author Marge Piercy suggests that an American Barbie Doll typically presents herself as being the â€Å"perfect† woman and this leads to people being jeered at for their appearance and expected to have a Barbie-doll-like figure. The doll is symbolic of the ways that women themselves have been made to think that’s what they should look like and what they strive for. A Barbie Doll can mislead children at a very young age and feel pressured to look and act in ways such as this unreal figure. When the word Barbie comes to mind, one usually thinks of her unrealistic body type-busty with tiny waist, thin thighs, and long legs; yet less than two percent of American women can ever hope to achieve such measurements. Who wouldn’t want to be all of that? As we grow up we realize it is all unrealistic and unachievable but as a child and young adult it can be misleading to girls around the world. Piercy uses four short stanzas to provide a sarcastic but brutal review of the cultural and societal expectations that American culture places on children, particularly young girls. The entire poem is written with a tone of depression and sadness. The young girl lives her life wishing to be someone else and apologizing about her culturally unacceptable image, which i s actually normal and healthy. In Stanza one, the speaker sets the tone of the poem by starting with a happy beginning, describing the girl playing with her new Barbie doll and how it can do everything such as pee-pee on its own and has her own mini sized appliances such as GE stoves and iron; which symbolize the duties an ideal mother is thought to perform. She wears makeup that represents confidence: â€Å"wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy† (Piercy 236). The red lipstick shows how sexuality is introduced to the child too early in life. All of these things mentioned are qualities that any girl would want to have. The doll presents an idealized image of the body. Line five is about what happens to a girl when they hit puberty; you gain weight and your features get bigger; â€Å"Then in the magic of puberty, a classmate said:/you have a great big nose and fat legs† (236). â€Å"The magic of puberty† (5) may be a sarcastic way of describing the maturing of a young woman. Nobody wants to go through that and would rather stay perfect and look like a Barbie doll.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies of Apple Inc Assignment - 3

Corporate Responsibility and Marketing Strategies of Apple Inc - Assignment Example The researcher states that in this era of globalization and international trade where rapid technological progression and cutthroat competition has become immensely important, priority has been exceedingly shifted towards corporate social responsibilities so that the companies can align their production and distribution process with social and environmental norms. The mastermind behind Apple Inc. was Steve Jobs who had founded the company in 1976. The company is famous for its iPod media player, iPad tablets; Mac line of personal computers, iPhone etc. iCloud, iTunes, App Stores etc. online services and iWork creativity, iTunes media browser etc. services has helped the company to achieve the leading position in the market. In terms of revenue, Apple is the second largest Information Technology Company only after Samsung and in the mobile phone manufacturing segment, it is third largest. According to the reports on 2014, Apple is having 437 retail stores in more than 15 countries wor ldwide and appoints more than 72,800 permanent employees. Strong research and development, innovation and customer orientation of Apple Inc. have resulted from the high degree of brand loyalty for the company which has aided to achieve world’s Most Valuable Brand Award in 2014. Clearly, practices of corporate social responsibility of such huge brand as Apple Inc. must be exemplary for all other corporations operating in the multinational platform. Apple Inc. is well known for its ethical and corporate responsibilities which the company has continued practicing since its inception and improved over time. Apple’s ethical practices are reflected in the code of conduct followed by all its employees irrespective of situations.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Leadership Course Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leadership Course - Assignment Example It should be noted that all these posts are about leadership. Patti Besuner notes that the leadership course reinforced ethical responsibilities especially in line with moral leadership (Cameron, 2012). It is a fact that leaders should be morally upright and responsible since they usually tend to be role models to numerous personalities in the society. Therefore, according to Besuner, â€Å"A leader must care about and demonstrate concern for employees if optimal organizational productivity is to be achieved†. It is worth noting that Besuner leadership knowledge was geared to reflect how an organization, employees, society, and a nation should relate (Brammer, Jackson, & Mattens, 2012). Notably, this concern is vital since each of these groups must be answerable to another for effective, efficient, and smooth coexistence. From this post, it is apparent the leader acknowledged the roles of effective leadership as being effective for the coexistence of human being within a socie tal setup. Jones’ first post concentrated on the understanding of different aspects of leadership. He notes that leadership has ever been described in different concepts that lead to different types of leadership. For instance, Susan D. DeVore’s to leadership skills in the healthcare industry and to the same effect she is the current premier healthcare alliance CEO and president. Jones noted that DeVore has effective leadership skills that include transformation, system thinking, and collaborative techniques.